Ski Gerlitzen Alpe by Train

60 km of piste between 1000-1911m

Ski gerlitzenalpe by train (c) Nic Oatridge

Beautiful Annenheim on the Ossiachersee is a year-round tourist destination, with the gondola ride to Gerlitzen Alpe providing breathtaking views across the lake and surrounding mountains. The resort is low-lying, but the scenery and the varied range of excellent pistes make it definitely worth visiting if the conditions are good.

There is a free transfer on the skibus or the S-Bahn from Villach to Gerlitzen Alpe. The bus stop is Annenheim Kanzelbahn, railway station is Annenheim.

Piste Map for Gerlitzen Alpe

Ski and Snowboard using the Gerlitzen Alpe trail map

Larger trail map for Gerlitzen Alpe

Map of Gerlitzen Alpe

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Did you ski Gerlitzen Alpe or snowboard in Gerlitzen Alpe? What did you think? Have you taken the train to Gerlitzen Alpe? Do you have any tips on accommodation in Gerlitzen Alpe or the apres ski? Is there anywhere else you have taken the train to ski? if so, please contact us and share you experiences using the contact link at the foot of the page.