Ski Innsbruck by Train

285 km of piste between 856-3210m

Beautiful Innsbruck is the very epitome of an Alpine city. It is surrounded by soaring peaks, has twice hosted the Winter Olympics, has all-year skiing on the Stubai Glacier, has an extensive infrastructure and is home to the most delightful Christmas markets in the whole of Europe. It is also a very easy city to get to, with fast trains to Innsbruck from many major cities and an airport with one of the most impressive skywards approaches in the world. Nordpark is the most convenient of the ski areas from the city centre, but has only 10km of piste and whilst the Stubai Glacier with over 100km of piste and lifts to a lofty 3200m sounds impressive, it can get mighty crowded, especially at the bottom lift.

Ski Innsbruck by train

Innsbruck is a wonderful base for skiing and snowboarding throughout Austria. Quite apart from the resorts accessible from Innsbruck itself using the local skibuses, it is feasible to ski St Anton and Kitbühel as day trips from Innsbruck using the efficient rail services - and to take advantage of the discounted Wintersport Kombitickets offered by the Austrian Railways (ÖBB). The skibus schedule from Innsbruck is here.

Piste Map for Innsbruck

Ski and Snowboard using the Innsbruck trail map

Larger trail map for Innsbruck

Map of Innsbruck

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Weather Outlook for Innsbruck

Accommodation for Innsbruck and the Surrounding Area

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Did you ski Innsbruck or snowboard in Innsbruck? What did you think? Have you taken the train to Innsbruck? Do you have any tips on accommodation in Innsbruck or the apres ski? Is there anywhere else you have taken the train to ski? if so, please contact us and share you experiences using the contact link at the foot of the page.